Connecticut Probate Information

FAQs: Connecticut Probate and Connecticut Estate Taxes

New: 2022 Connecticut Estate and Gift Tax amounts

Estate and Gift Tax:

· The federal lifetime exemption for property passing to non-spouse beneficiaries has been increased to $12.06 million. 

· The Connecticut lifetime exemption for property passing to non-spouse beneficiaries has been increased to $9,100,000.00.

· There is still an unlimited gift/estate deduction for property passing to a spouse; however, to qualify for the unlimited gift/estate tax deduction the spouse must be a U.S. citizen.

· The amount that can be gifted to any person without needing to file a gift tax return has been increased from $15,000.00 to $16,000.00 per recipient. Additional gifts can be made for qualified medical expenses and qualified education expenses without needing to file a gift tax return.

Scott Drozd